Information on a visa or long-term residence permit for the purpose of employment
In addition to a work permit, a foreigner who wants to work in the Czech Republic must have a valid visa for more than 90 days for the purpose of employment or a long-term residence permit for the purpose of employment .
The foreigner submits an application for a visa for a stay of more than 90 days in person at the embassy of the Czech Republic on the form Application for a Czech visa. The embassy may, in justified cases, waive the obligation to submit the application in person.
In exceptional cases, the application may be submitted on the territory of the Czech Republic (hereinafter only on the territory) under the following conditions:
- the foreigner submits this application during his / her stay in the territory for a visa for a stay of more than 90 days issued for the purpose of family cohabitation to the extent of a spouse, minor or minor dependent child, and applies for a visa for another purpose,
- the foreigner submits this application during the stay in the territory for a visa for a stay of more than 90 days and applies for a visa for the purpose of family cohabitation in the extent of a spouse, minor or adult dependent child,
- the visa is to be issued to a minor or adult dependent foreigner for the purpose of cohabitation with a legal representative residing in the territory on the basis of a long-term residence permit or residence permit and / or for a residence visa for more than 90 days or is a Czech citizen.
An application for a long-term residence permit for the purpose of employment is submitted by the foreigner in person at the embassy of the Czech Republic or at the locally competent department of the Aliens and Border Police according to his / her place of temporary residence in the Czech Republic.
The deadline for processing the application is within 60 days from the date of its submission .
The foreigner attaches to the application for a visa for more than 90 days or a long-term residence permit for the purpose of employment:
- passport
- a document confirming the purpose of stay in the Czech Republic (ie if the purpose of the stay is employment, then he must submit a work permit or the number of the application for a work permit)
- a document confirming the purpose of stay in the Czech Republic (ie if the purpose of the stay is employment, then he must submit a work permit or the number of the application for a work permit)
- proof of secured accommodation during the stay in the Czech Republic
- extract from the records of the Criminal Register of the Czech Republic as a basis for assessing criminal record; this document is not submitted by a foreigner under 15 years of age
- 2 photos
- a foreigner does not have to submit a document on securing funds for a stay in the Czech Republic (according to § 13 of Act No. 326/1999 Coll., on the stay of foreigners) if the purpose of the stay is employment
The obligation to submit an extract from the Criminal Register of the Czech Republic is considered fulfilled if the foreigner applies for this extract at the embassy of the Czech Republic when applying for a visa and agrees to send this extract to the relevant foreigner police department in the Czech Republic.
To apply for a visa for more than 90 days, the foreigner is also obliged to submit :
- a document similar to the extract from the criminal record of the Czech Republic as a basis for the assessment of criminal record issued by the state of which the foreigner is a national, as well as states in which the foreigner has resided continuously for more than 6 months in the last three years; this document may be replaced by a solemn declaration if that State does not issue such a document; this requirement cannot be required from a foreigner under the age of 15 and a foreigner who applies for a visa in the territory of the police during his / her stay in the territory for a visa for a stay of more than 90 days
- in justified cases, a medical report that he does not suffer from a “serious” disease listed in the Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic No. 274/2004 Coll., which lays down a list of diseases that could endanger public health and a list of diseases and disabilities could seriously jeopardize public order.
- All the requisites for applying for a visa must not be older than 180 days, with the exception of the travel document, registration documents and a photograph of the foreigner, if it corresponds to its actual form.
- All foreign language documents must be super legalized by the embassy of the Czech Republic or provided with an apostille verification clause, unless a valid bilateral international agreement provides otherwise, and must be officially translated into the Czech language.